Spring is springing & your #indoorplants will have started to grow again so here are our 5 top #plantcaretips to help you ensure they thrive this growing season.
Even in the cleanest houses dust will accumulate on your plant’s leaves. This blocks the stomata which are the breathing holes through which the plant exchanges gases as it photosynthesizes. Blocked pores therefore reduce its capacity to create the sugars & carbohydrates which fuel its growth. There are products, usually called ‘leaf shine’, on the market for this but we find they add to the problem. A dash of washing up liquid & a cloth work perfectly fine. For big leaf plants like Ficus Eastica Easy care houseplants | Houseplants & Care (plantyhaus.co.uk), hold the leaf gently on the palm of one hand & clean it in the direction of growth. For plants with smaller leaves, like Tradescantia Tradescantia albiflora | Houseplants & Care (plantyhaus.co.uk), give them a shower & for spiky plants, like Aloes, a gentle brush with a stiff paint brush.
Spring is a very good time to check to see if your plant needs a bigger pot. Look for signs of roots growing through the draining holes or distortion in the shape of the pot. After watering ease the plant out of its pot & if it is looking root bound then if it is re-pot. See here for more on this Potting-on - Why & When (plantyhaus.co.uk)
All plants, including those living in your house, can fall prey to pests. When the weather is warm & your windows open sap suckers, such as white & black fly, can find them. The earlier you spot these the easier it is to deal with them. Caught early they can be dispatched without causing much damage. You might also take preventative measures, such as applying nem oil to plants with thick leaves just in case they’ve arrived with small unwanted guests on them.
Many people feel reluctant to prune their houseplants assuming the need to regard every leaf as sacred. They are your plants so keep them looking how you like them. Some can grow a bit straggly & many can benefit from some pruning especially those which are variegated & may need active encouragement to keep a good proportion of the lighter coloured leaves. As a result you will get a much bushier plants. As a bonus you can always use your cuttings to either propagate new plants or to make the one you have more multi stemmed.
This is also the time to start to reassess where you have positioned your plants. Those with a susceptibility to the cold can be moved closer to windows once the risk of frost has passed. Those whose leaves are likely to scorch as the sun gets more intense can be moved further away. Also assess how your plants are doing & address directional growth by rotating your plants when you water them.
#plantsmakepeoplehappy so its just self interest to #makeplantshappy? Do all of these things & yours, trust us, will thank you. Happy Spring!